The Source

“A forrás

A fuvola kedves dallam nem a hangszerből, vagy a játékos ujjaiból ered. Azt mondhatnánk, hogy
a zeneszerző szívéből jön, de ha kinyitod nem találsz ott dallamot.
Akkor mi a forrása?
Mindezeket túl – a legfelsőbb kozmikus energia ez, amelyet az egó soha sem ismerhet meg.
Csak ha a szívedből cselekedsz, akkor ismerheted meg az létezés isteni hatalmát.”

Sri Amritanandamayi Devi

"The Source The lovely melody of a flute is found neither in the instrument nor in the player’s fingers. You might say it comes from the composer’s heart, but if you opened his heart you would find no melody. Where, then, is the source? It is beyond – in the supreme cosmic Energy which the ego will never know. Only if you act from your heart will you know life’s divine power.”   Sri Amritanandamayi Devi “Amma”

“The Source
The lovely melody of a flute
is found neither in the instrument nor in the player’s fingers. You might say it comes from the composer’s heart, but if you opened his heart you would find no melody.
Where, then, is the source?
It is beyond – in the supreme cosmic Energy which the ego will never know.
Only if you act from your heart will you know life’s divine power.”

Sri Amritanandamayi Devi

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